It's a whole new transfer everyone!! We got started great this week. I'm loving my new companion, so let me start out with some info...
Name- Elder Borges
From- São Luis, Maranhão (yup another Nordestino)
Age- 19, with 4 months on the mission.
Type- super cool, hard worker, obedient, and with a great
accent to beat!
This week, I spent most of the time showing Elder Borges
around, and we were able to follow up with all of our progressing
investigators, and find some new people with a lot of potential. And, last but
not least, we were able to finish up the week with a great baptism! It was for
sure one of those miracle moments where the Lord simply prepared someone for us
to find, teach and baptise.
We're looking forward to another great week too!!
Elder Johnson
1. me with two future missionaries
2. Nelson and his family!!
3. a random guy cleaning our roof
4. irmão Sydney working hard!!
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